The 2012 Lucilla Warren Online Jewelry Show Awards
The 2012 Lucilla Warren Online Jewelry Show, hosted by the Student Art Fund of the Santa Barbara Art Association, is honored to present ribbons of Outstanding Artistic Merit to the following artists. This year’s show was named in honor of Lucilla Warren. The juror for this year’s show was Maribel Hernandez.
Ribbon of Outstanding Artistic Merit
Artist: Crystal Hart
Media: Jewelry
School: San Marcos High School
Teacher: Loretta Razo
Ribbon of Outstanding Artistic Merit
Artist: Tori Saunders
Media: Jewelry
School: San Marcos High School
Teacher: Loretta Razo
Ribbon of Outstanding Artistic Merit
Artist: Ashley Lomeli
Media: Jewelry
School: Santa Barbara High School
Teacher: Laura Wooster
Ribbon of Outstanding Artistic Merit
Artist: Riley Barilla
Media: Jewelry
School: Santa Barbara High School
Teacher: Laura Wooster
Ribbon of Outstanding Artistic Merit
Artist: Danielle Baeza
Media: Jewelry
School: Santa Barbara High School
Teacher: Laura Wooster